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How To Store Your Compound Bow: Methods & Tips

How To Store Your Compound Bow

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the longevity and performance of your compound bow. Whether you’re a seasoned archer or just starting, understanding the best practices for compound bow storage is essential. By following secure storage methods and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your bow remains in optimal condition.

Choosing the Right Bow Case for Storage

As the name suggests, hard shell cases offer a more rigid and durable construction. They are designed to withstand rough handling and provide optimal protection for your compound bow.

If you plan on storing your bow for an extended period or need extra protection during transportation, a hard shell case is ideal. These cases typically feature foam padding and secure latches to keep your bow in place.

On the other hand, soft shell cases are lightweight and offer greater mobility. They are convenient if you frequently use your bow and require easy access. These cases are often made of durable nylon fabric and feature multiple compartments to store accessories such as arrows, broadheads, and release aids.

Softshell cases also provide a certain level of protection during transport, but they may not offer the same level of impact resistance as hardshell cases.

Considerations for Choosing a Bow Case

When selecting a bow case, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Budget: Determine your budget range and look for bow cases within that price range.
  • Protection level: Evaluate the level of protection you need based on your storage requirements. A hard shell case is recommended if you’re storing your bow long-term or need maximum protection during transportation.
  • Storage space: Assess the available storage space and ensure that the chosen bow case fits comfortably in the designated area.

Choosing the right bow case is essential in safeguarding your compound bow during storage. Whether you opt for a hard or a soft shell case, ensure it provides the necessary protection for your bow and meets your specific storage needs.

Hanging Your Compound Bow

Hanging your compound bow is a convenient storage option, especially if you have limited space or prefer easy access to practice. However, it is crucial to follow the proper bow-hanging technique to ensure the safety and longevity of your equipment.

When hanging your bow, finding a suitable location free from moisture and direct sunlight is important. Both moisture and sunlight can cause damage to your bow, affecting its performance over time. Find a dry and shaded area in your home or garage to hang your compound bow.

Avoid hanging the bow by the strings, cams, or a single limb, as this can put unnecessary stress on the bow and potentially cause damage. Instead, use the middle part of the frame and grip to hang the bow securely. This distributes the weight evenly and reduces the risk of any mishaps.

To ensure the stability of your bow, consider using bike hooks or a dedicated bow hanger. These options provide additional support and minimize the chances of your bow accidentally falling or getting damaged. With proper bow storage in a household with kids, hanging the bow out of their reach is essential to prevent accidents.

hanging a compound bow

Tips for Hanging a Compound Bow:

  • Choose a location free from moisture and direct sunlight
  • Hang the bow horizontally using the middle part of the frame and grip
  • Avoid hanging by the strings, cams, or a single limb
  • Consider using bike hooks or a dedicated bow hanger for added support

Bow Storage Precautions for a Household with Kids:

  • Hang the bow out of children’s reach to prevent accidents
  • Educate children about the importance of bow safety and not touching the equipment without supervision
  • Keep arrows and other accessories securely stored and out of reach

Cleaning Your Bow Before Storage

It is crucial to clean and maintain your compound bow thoroughly before storing it. By following proper cleaning techniques, you can ensure that your bow remains in optimal condition during storage.

Here are the steps for cleaning your bow before storage:

  1. Start by using a soft, lint-free microfiber cloth to gently remove dust, dirt, and grime from the surface of the bow. Clean all areas, including the riser, limbs, and cam system.
  2. To prevent fraying and protect against moisture absorption, apply a specialized bow string cleaner solution to the bowstrings. Use the cloth to wipe down the strings, removing dirt or residue carefully.
  3. After cleaning the bowstrings, apply a high-quality bowstring wax to keep them in excellent condition. Waxing the strings helps to reduce friction and prolong their lifespan.
  4. Continue by cleaning the other components of the bow, such as the cams, cables, and riser. Use a cotton ball or swab dampened with a mild cleaning solution to wipe away any dirt or debris gently.
  5. If you notice any rust spots on the bow, address them promptly. Use steel wool or a rust eraser to gently remove the rust, taking care not to damage the bow’s finish.
  6. Lastly, when storing your arrows, keeping them separate from your bow is essential. Place them securely in a quiver or alternative storage solution to ensure their safety and prevent damage.

Proper Storage Options for Arrows

Proper storage is essential to ensure arrow durability and performance. By using suitable storage solutions and implementing regular inspection practices, you can prevent arrow damage and maintain its integrity for extended use.

Storing Arrows in a Quiver or Arrow Tube

One effective way to store your arrows is in a quiver or arrow tube. These storage options provide organization, protection against bending or breaking, and convenient accessibility when you need your arrows.

Before storing your arrows in a quiver or tube, ensure they are clean and dry. Remove dirt or debris from the shafts and fletchings, as these can cause damage over time. Always seat the arrows securely in the quiver or tube to prevent them from shifting or falling out during storage.

Benefits of Storing Arrows in a Quiver or Arrow Tube
Keeps arrows organized and easily accessible
Prevents arrow bending or breaking
Protects arrows from moisture and environmental elements

arrow storage

Regular Arrow Inspection

Inspecting your arrows is crucial to identify any signs of damage or wear. Inspecting them before each use and after storage allows you to assess their condition and address any issues promptly.

Look for cracks, splits, or bent shafts in the arrows during your inspection. Additionally, check the nocks, tips, and fletchings for any signs of damage. If you encounter compromised arrows, such as those with structural weaknesses or warped components, discard them immediately to avoid potential accidents or reduced accuracy.

Advantages of Regular Arrow Inspection
Ensures arrow safety and performance
Prevents using damaged arrows
Improves accuracy and consistency in shooting

Storing Broadheads and Other Accessories

Properly storing broadheads and other accessories is crucial to prevent damage and ensure longevity. Follow these steps to store your broadheads and accessories securely:

Protecting Broadhead Threads

When removing broadheads from arrows, use a broadhead wrench to unscrew them from the shaft safely. Place caps or inserts specifically designed on the threads to protect the broadhead threads. This simple step will safeguard the threads from any potential damage during storage.

Disassembling Broadheads

Consider disassembling your broadheads before storage. Disassemble them by removing the blades or components. This will make cleaning and maintenance easier and help prevent any residue from building up on the blades or tips. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembling your specific type of broadhead.

Cleaning and Checking Accessory Condition

Before storing your broadheads, it’s essential to clean them thoroughly. Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean the blades and other components gently. Ensure that all residue, dirt, and debris are removed. After cleaning, dry the broadheads completely before storage.

In addition to the broadheads, it is also crucial to clean and dry any other accessories you use, such as arrow rests, stabilizers, sights, and quivers. Inspect each accessory for any signs of wear and tear, loose screws, or other issues that may affect their performance. Address any concerns before storage to ensure they are optimal for your next use.

Dedicated Accessory Storage

Store your broadheads and other accessories in a dedicated case or container specifically designed for archery gear storage. This will keep them securely in place and prevent any contact between the blades, which could potentially lead to damage. A dedicated storage solution will also help you keep your accessories organized and easily accessible.

Storing Broadheads and Accessories Steps
Protect threads with caps or inserts Place caps or inserts on broadhead threads
Disassemble broadheads Remove blades or components
Clean broadheads and accessories Gently clean with mild detergent and warm water, dry thoroughly
Check accessory condition Inspect for wear, loose screws, or other issues
Use a dedicated storage case Store broadheads and accessories in a case designed for archery gear storage

Final Thoughts on Proper Compound Bow Storage

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining your compound bow’s longevity and optimal performance. By implementing the right storage methods, you can ensure that your bow and accessories remain in excellent condition for years.

Investing in a high-quality bow case is essential, providing a secure and protective storage solution. Whether you choose a hard shell case for long-term storage or a soft shell case for more frequent use, your bow will be shielded from environmental factors such as moisture and temperature changes.

In addition to using a bow case, consider utilizing proper hanging techniques if you have limited space or prefer easy access to your bow. Always hang your compound bow horizontally, avoiding hanging it by the strings, cams, or a single limb.

Instead, use the middle part of the frame and grip to ensure a secure and stable position. By hanging your bow away from moisture and direct sunlight, you can further protect it from potential damage.

Maintaining your bow’s cleanliness is equally important. Before storing your compound bow, thoroughly clean it using a microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt. Pay special attention to the bowstrings, applying a cleaner and wax to prevent fraying and moisture absorption.

Clean other components, such as the cams, riser, and cables, with a cotton ball or swab, and address any rust with steel wool. Storing your arrows separately in a quiver or alternative storage solution will also help maintain their integrity.


How should I store my compound bow?

There are several methods to consider for storing your compound bow, including using a bow case (hard or soft), hanging it horizontally in a secure location, and properly cleaning and maintaining it before storage.

What is the best way to choose a bow case for storage?

The best bow case for storage depends on your needs and budget. Hard shell cases offer sturdier protection and are ideal for long-term storage, while soft shell cases are lighter and more mobile, making them suitable for frequent use.

How do I hang my compound bow?

When hanging your bow, ensure it is hung horizontally in a location free from moisture and direct sunlight. Avoid hanging it by the strings, cams, or a single limb; instead, use the middle part of the frame and grip to hang it securely.

What should I do to clean my bow before storage?

Before storing your compound bow, use a microfiber cloth to remove dust, dirt, and grime. Apply cleaner solution and wax to the strings to prevent fraying and moisture absorption. Clean the cams, riser, cables, and other components using a cotton ball or swab.

How should I store my arrows?

To properly store your arrows, consider using an arrow quiver or arrow tube to keep them organized and prevent bending or breaking. Ensure the arrows are dry, free of dirt, and securely seated in the quiver or tube.

What is the best way to store broadheads and other accessories?

To store broadheads and other accessories properly, use a broadhead wrench to safely remove them from arrows and place caps or inserts on the threads to protect them. Clean and dry the broadheads before storage and store them in a dedicated case or container to prevent blade contact.

Why is proper storage important for a compound bow?

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the longevity and optimal performance of your compound bow. By investing in a high-quality bow case, using proper hanging or storage methods, and regularly cleaning and maintaining your bow and accessories, you can protect them from damage caused by environmental factors and ensure they last for years to come.

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